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  3. Abul-Fadhal Al-Alusi (d.127/705), Ruh-ul-Ma’ani, Beirut, Darul fikr, 1987.
  4. A Aftab Jesus and the Ahmadiyyah movement,.
  5. Allamah Anwar Shah Kashmiri, At-Tasreeh bima tawatara fi nuzulil Masih, Beruit,
  6. Barahin-I-Ahmediyyah
  7. Daf-e-bala, Ruhani Khazain, volume 18.
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  10. Dr Mohammed Ali Alkhuli, The truth about Jesus , Jordan 1990
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  13. Ibrahim Anis, Abdul Halim, Attiyyah and Mohammed Khalfullah, Al-Mu’jam Al-Waseet, Beirut, vol 1.
  14. Imam Ibn Ma’jah,(d.273/851) Sunan-Ibn-Ma’jah, Darul Kutub Al Ilmiyyah, Beirut
  15. Imam Ahmed, Musnadul Imam Ahmed, Al maktabul Islami, Beirut.
  16. Imam Bukhari, Al-Jami As-Sahih Lil Imam Bukhari, Darul-Ma’rifat, Beirut
  17. Imam Muslim, Al Jami As Sahih Lil Imam Muslim, Durul Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut, 1987,
  18. Imam Nawawi (d.676/1254) Sharh-an-Nawawi. Ala Sahih-ul-Imam Muslim, Durul Kitab Al Arabi, Beirut,
  19. Imam Qurtubi, Kita`bul A'Lam Bima` Fi Deenin-Nasara Minal Fasa`di Wal Awha`m.
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  22. Imam Tirmidhi.(d.279/857), Jami-ut-Tirmidhi, Darul Kutub Al Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1987.
  23. Imam Zarqani, Sharhul-Mauta Imam Malik, Mustafa Muhammed Press.
  24. Khatam un Nabiyyeen, Urdu translation, p232-233, published by Majlis-e-Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat.
  25. Majduddin Al-Firoza’badi (310), Al Qamus Al Muhit, Beirut, Mu’assasatur -rI`salah, 1987.
  26. M, M, Azami, Studies in Hadith methodology and Literature’ American Trust Publication 1992.
  27. Maulana Badre Alam, Nuzul-I-I`sa, Dini Book Depo, Delhi.
  28. Maulana Manzur Nau`mani, A simple of looking at Qadianism, Majlis Tahaffuz Khatmi Nubuwwat, Pakistan.
  29. Maulana, M, Kiranvi; Truth Revealed, Darul Ma’rifat Jeddah 1992.
  30. Maulana Yusuf Ludhyanwi, Identification, Majlisi Tahaffuzi Khatmi Nubuwwat.
  31. Maulana Yusuf Ludhyanwi, Gift for Qadiyanis, Tahafuzi Khatmi Nubuwwat
  32. Murad Hoffmam, Islam 2000, Amana publication, Turkey.
33. New Testament And Psalms (N.I.V) GIDEONS INTERNATIONAL.

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