The trustworthiness, virtue, honesty and truthfulness of Rasulullah (peace and blessing be upon him) was praised by every tribe and individual in Makkah. His dignified character and sincerity had won the heart of Hazrat Khadeejah-binte-Khuwaylid (R.A.), who was pretty, rich and widowed.

Hazrat Khadeejah (R.A.) sent a marriage proposal to Rasulullah (peace and blessing be upon him). As a mark of respect, Rasulullah (peace and blessing be upon him) consulted his uncle Abu Taalib, and gladly accepted the proposal. Hazrat Khadeejah (R.A.) was forty years old and Rasulullah (peace and blessing be upon him) was twenty- five.

Abu Taalib performed the Nikah and delivered the historical Nikah Khutbah (Sermon) which was noted for its praise of Rasulullah (peace and blessing be upon him) and of the high regard in which he was held by the elders of Makkah. Umar-bin-Asad represented Hazrat Khadejjah (R.A.) as her Wakeel (representative) and accepted four hundred misqaal (20 misqaal being equivalent to 4.37 grams of gold), as Mehr (dowry) on behalf of Hazrat Khadeejah (R.A.) and gave her away as wife of Rasulullah (peace and blessing be upon him).  Rasulullah (peace and blessing be upon him) had two sons, Qasim and Abdullah, both of whom passed away in childhood. They had four daughters, Zaynb (R.A.) Umme-kulthum (R.A.) Ruqayya (R.A.) and Faatimah (R.A.)

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