Imitation of Modernism

The so-called renovators of Islam nurse malice and aversion towards the auspicious practices and blessed ways of Muhammad Mustafa peace and blessings be upon him. If a follower of the Sunnah happens to be in their company (majlis), they make him a butt of fun and ridicule, although these people themselves, having rebelled against the Master, have joined the ranks of the Holy Prophet's sallallahu alaihe wasallam enemies.

Allamah Sayyid Sulaiman Nadvi, cautioning the Muslims' intellectual and practical imitators and slaves, writes: - "Our appearance, our inner and outer self, has become the showcase of subjugation and slavery. It is not an exaggeration but a fact that our way of life is bewitched by the glamour of slavery to.Modernism (edited). For the hairdos and trim of tash and whiskers we look up to our modern masters. Now we do not see anything; rather we see only that which Modernity shows us; we think only that which it makes us think; we understand only that which Modernity explains to us; we eat what it offers us to eat and drink what it gives for drinking. The extreme thing is that there are in our midst many who have made themselves dependent upon Modern guidance even in the modes of easing nature and cleaning (istinja). The greatest mischief among the ummah today is the mischief of freethinking. The condition of the higher strata among the ummah is such that their refractory selves shy at taking the bridle of religion into their mouths. They are willing to toil in the darkness and murkiness of infidelity (kufr) and atheism but they are averse to the light of that clean and shining religion which the Holy Prophet peace and blessings be upon him  has brought. Instead of giving their hands into the hands of Allah's and the Prophet's lovers who are cloistered in hospices, in order to warm up their hearts with the blazing fire of true love, they are ready to get their hearts rusted by following into the Satan's footsteps. About such hearts the divine statement is:

“Nay, but that which they have earned is rust upon their hearts" (LXXXIII: 14)

And they are satisfied with their self-formulated decisions, but they try to avoid acting upon the decisions of the Quran, the Sunnah and the Holy Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. Rather, when the divine commandments and the prophetic instructions, which are contrary to their selves and disposition and against those things towards which their leader Satan calls them, are mentioned before them they begin to talk such nonsense that thereafter they have no right to call themselves Muslims or to claim Islam. As if these people go over to that group about which it has been stated in a Hadith as follows: -"At the Fountain of Kauser I am seeing those men who will come to me. But, by Allah!, some of them will be prevented from coming to me. Then I will say: '0 Lord! these are my Companions.' Then the answer will be received: 'you don't know what they did after you; they invented new actions and views, and they kept walking on their heels (i.e., in the reverse direction)." By these are meant the same Muslims who succeeded the Holy Prophet peace and blessings be upon him; they did not follow the Book and the Sunnah; and giving a loose rein to their corrupt reason and thought not only did they go astray but also misled others. Thus they were deprived of Allah's light and His bounties and became the means of spreading deviation and backsliding."

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