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Musical instruments

See: Music

See: Water
See: Taqleed
See: Madrasah
See: Madinah

The Holy city of Madinah (east Arabia) is the place where Prophet Muhammad May Alah send peace and blessings upon him is buried. It has the second most holiest masjid after the Masjid-al-Haram in Makkah and is followed by Al-Quds where the Al-Aqsa sanctuary is located (Jerusalem). It is the blessed city that welcomed Prophet Muhammad May Alah send peace and blessings upon him and the Muhajireen sahaabah when they emigrated from Makkah. Its wonderful people, the Ansaar, undertook much hardship for Islam and received the ultimate reward: the permanent residence of Prophet Muhammad May Alah send peace and blessings upon him who chose to remain in Madinah even after Makkah had been conquered without bloodshed and its inhabitants had become muslim. Madinah al-Munawwarah (the enlightened city) had become the centre for Islamic knowledge and adminstration in Prophet Muhammad May Alah send peace and blessings upon him's lifetime. After Prophet Muhammad May Alah send peace and blessings upon him passed away he was buried in the same city and throughout the year Muslims pray salaah in his masjid and pay their respects to the Last of the Prophets at his grave. Madinah will be one of the few places that will be protected against Dajjal - The Anti-Christ.

Hazrat Anas . reports that Rasulullah May Alah send peace and blessings upon him left Makkah in such a manner that everything in Makkah became enveloped in darkness; and
when he entered Madina everything became enlightened and he said: 'My home shall be in Madina and there shall be my grave. It is a duty upon every Muslim to visit Madina.'

Also referred to as: Medina, Medinah, Tayyabah, Taibah, Al-Munawwarah, Madinatun-Nabee

See: Prophet Muhammad May Alah send peace and blessings upon him, Makkah, Masjid, Me'raj, Hijrah, Ziyaarah, Salaatus-Salaam, Sahaabah, Knowledge, Dajjal

See: Madinah
See: Madrasah

A Madrasah is a place where Islam is taught. A madressah that teaches arabic and islam at a basic elementary level is referred to as a makhtab (pl Makhatib) A Seminary that teaches intermediate and advanced levels in arabic, Quran, Hadeeth, Fiqh, Islamic Theology, etc is sometimes also referred to as a Madrasa, (pl Madaaris).

Also referred to as: Madrasa, Madresa, Madresah, Makhtab, Maktab, Makhatib, Madaaris, Darul-Uloom

See also: Education, Knowledge, Darul-Uloom

See: Madrasah
See: Madrasah
See: Ma'juj

Imaam Mahdi will be a Khalifah to whom Muslims will pledge allegiance, unite and defend Islam near the time of Qiyahmah (Doomsday).

He will be from the progeny of Prophet Muhammad May Alah send peace and blessings upon him who said: "He will be sent at a time of intense disputes and differences among people and earthquakes..." (Ahmed). It is then that Imaam Mahdi will be sent; restoring justice. Prophet Muhammad May Alah send peace and blessings upon him said "The world will not pass away before the Arabs are ruled by a man (referring to Mahdi) of my family whose name will be the same as mine" (Abu Dawud).

Imaam Mahdi will come before Dajjal (Dark Messiah). Dajjal will appear in the later parts of Imaam Mahdi's reign during which Prophet Isa (Jesus son of Mary, peace be upon them) will descend, be led by his fellow muslim Imaam Mahdi in Fajr Salaat (Prayer) and kill Dajjal at the Gate of Ludd.

The oppression, tyranny, and darkness that prevailed all over the globe will be replaced with justice, peace and equity.

Also referred to as: Mehdi, The Khalifah of Allah.

See also: Dajjal, Signs, Qiyaamah

See: Mehr

A Mahram is a Man with whom marriage is not permissible due to the woman being one of the man's mothers, daughters, sisters, paternal aunts, maternal aunts, brothers' daughters, sisters' daughters, wetnurses, fellow wetnursed females, mothers-in-law, wives of his sons, and certain types of step daughters, etc).

Also referred to as: Mehram

See also: Nikah, Hijaab

See: Ma'juj

Ya'juj Ma'juj (Gog and Magog) are one of the signs of Qiyahamah (Doomsday). They are very strong and powerful people whom nobody has the power to fight. It has also been narrated that they have wide faces, small eyes, grey hair and their faces are like shields covered with skin. They are from the progeny of Prophet Nuh (Noah - Peace be upon him) and will cause immense amount of bloodshed on Earth.

Many thousands of years ago the barbarous tribes of Yajuj and Ma'juj were imprisoned behind an iron wall built by Zulqarnayn who lived at the time of the Prophet Ibraheem (Abraham - peace be upon him). Every day Ya'juj Ma'juj try to break free through the wall of Zulqarnain until they reach the end of it to the extent that they could actually see the light on the other side. They then return home saying, ''We will break through tomorrow. '' However, Allah causes the wall to revert to its original thickness and the next day they start all over again. This process continues each day as long as Allah wills for them to remain imprisoned. When Allah wishes for them to be released, then at the end of that day they will say, ''If Allah wills, we will break through tomorrow.'' The next day they will find the wall as they left it the previous day and after breaking through the rest they will escape

The tribes Ya'juj and Ma'juj will form 99.9 percent of world's population at that time. Ya'juj and Ma'juj will cause destruction and bloodshed wherever they go. Prophet Isa (Jesus - Peace be upon him) will take the Muslims to Mount Tur for their protection as nobody will be able to kill the Ya'juj Ma'juj. Muslims will make Dua (supplication) and Allah answering their prayer will send insects upon the necks of Ya'juj Ma'juj and in the morning they will be found dead like one dead man. Allah will send birds with necks like the necks of Bactrian camels which will carry the stinking corpses and throw them where Allah wishes. Thereafter, Allah will send rain and the earth will be cleaned

Also referred to as: Gog and Magog

See: Signs, I'sa (Jesus - Peace be upon him)

See: Madrasah
See: Madrasah

Makkah is the holiest city in Islam as it is the city in which Allah had ordered the erecting of his house (The Ka'ba): 'And remember Ibrahim and Ismail raised the foundation of the House (with this prayer) "Our Lord, accept this service from us, for Thou art All-hearing, All-knowing'. (2-124)

Hazrat Ibn Abbaas . reports that Rasulullah May Alah send peace and blessings upon him said to Mecca: "What a wonderful city you are and how I love you. Had my people
not forced me out of you, I would never have settled in any other city save you."

Also referred to as: Mecca, Bakka


See also: Ka'ba, Masjid, Madinah, Me'raj, Ziyaarah, Hajj, Umrah

See: Madrasah
See: Makruh
See: Makruh

Makruh according to the Hanafis is a command for abstinence from something established by a speculative proof.  It is divided into two categories, namely, makruh tahrim and makruh tanzih.  The former is closer to haraam and can also be defined as being in diametrical opposition to a wajib.  Makruh tanzih is closer to mubah and in diametrical opposition to a mustahab.

Also referred to as: Makroohe, Makrooh

See also: Fardh, Wajib, Sunnah, Adab, Haraam, Mubaah, Mustahab, Halaal

See: Angels
See: Tazkiyah
See: Practices
See: Practices

Humans have been created by Allah for the purpose of worshiping Allah. Allah created the first man Prophet - Adam (peace and blessings be upon him) from clay without a father or a mother. Allah also created Hawa (Eve - Peace be upon her) as a partner for Prophet Adam (peace and blessings be upon him). Mankind are their progeny and are tested in this world against the trickery of Shaytaan (Satan) who has sworn to misguide Mankind (and Jinn) when he was cursed for disobeying Allah's command to bow in front of Adam (peace and blessings be upon him). Shaytaan committed the first sin out of Takabbur (pride). May Allah guide our Nafs (inner-self) and protect us all from Shaytaan's deception, Ameen.

Also referred to as: Humans, Humankind, Mankind, Children of Adam, People, Insaan, Son of Adam.

See also: Allah, Angels, Messenger, Jinn, Shaytaan

See: Man, Humanity

The religion of Islam has taught rules of etiquettes and manners covering every aspect of life which are applicable for the whole society, the old, the young, men and women.

Also referred to as: Etiquettes, Behaviour, Politeness, Civility, Habits, Ways, Practices, Conduct, Modesty, Humbleness

See also: Sunnah, Humanity, Morals, Modesty, Respect

See: Nikah
See: Marwah
See: Marwah

Marwah is a hillock near Masjid Al-Haram Makkah, Arabia connected by a course to Safaa. Saee always ends at Marwah.

Also referred to as: Marwa, Marwaa

See also: Hajj, Umrah, Saee


Masah refers to wiping (wiping with wet/dry hands in a swiping manner without any required speed). In wudhu masah is performed with wet hands/fingers, in tayammum it is performed with dry hands . Masah of a quarter of the surface area of the head is required in Wudhu (Ablution). Under certain conditions Masah of specific types of socks (footwear) can be a substitute to washing feet as the compulsory act of Wudhu.

Also referred to as: Mash', Mas-h', Masaah, Mas-h, Mash, Wipe

See also: Wudhu, Tayammum, Tahaarah

See: Masah
See: Masah
See: Masah
See: Masah
Mashaa'ikh Sufiya

Those shaykhs who specialise in of Islaah -e- Baatin (purification of the nafs) became known as the Mashaa'ikh Sufiya

Also referred to as: Mashaikh, Mashaaikh

See: Tasawwuf, Sahaabah, Pious

See: Masjid
See: Isa Peace be upon him

The word Masjid literally means the place where Sajdah (Prostration) is done. In Islam Sajdah can only be done to Allah. Sajdah is done in all Salaah (Specific Prayers) except Janaazah Salaah. Sajdah is also required after specific verses of the Holy Quran have been recited. Salaah is performed in congregation (Jamaah) five times a day and therefore the appointed location for salaah is usually called the Masjid. The plural for Masjid is Masaajid.

Also referred to as: Musjid, Masajid, Place of Worship, ('Mosque' - commonly used).

See also: Salaah, Ziyaarah


Materialistic greed is prevalent in current society and increasing. Love of wealth and fame is so common that it forms people's objective in life and is set as one of their goals. A simple example are private vehicle registration plates which are used to attract fame by associating the distinction of a specific vehicle marque to oneself.

Muslims should lead a more simple aesthestic life and not waste wealth which is accountable on the Day of Judgement. Muslims should instead use wealth effectively and prudently such as donating or sponsoring orphans and the needy to receive basic necessities including food, shelter, clothing and education.

Allah says: "Do not raise your eyes towards the glitter of the worldly life which We have granted to various groups among them (Kuffaar)."

Rasulullah said: "The son of Aadam ages while two things of his grow younger, viz., greed for wealth and greed for (longer) life,"

The engrossment of the heart with wealth, etc. is Hirs. Hirs is the root of all spiritual ailments. It is, therefore, proper to describe it as the mother of all maladies. All mischief and strife are the consequences of this lowly attribute. It is because of Hirs that people plunder and usurp the rights of others.

The remedy to greed is to reduce expenditure. This will diminish concern and yearning for more earnings. Forget about the future (of this world) and bear in mind that the greedy are always contemptible.

Rasulullah said: "Two hungry wolves let loose in a flock of sheep do not cause as much harm as the harm to a man's Deen wrought by his greed for wealth and fame."

The desire in one, that others honour, respect and be submissive towards one, is termed hubb-e-jaah (Love for Fame). It is difficult to diagnose the malady of love for fame. It is only in the event of an incident in which one is not honoured that this disease becomes detectable.

The remedy to love of fame is to meditate on the futility of hubb-e-jaah. Neither the one who honours nor will the one who is honoured remain. All will perish one day. It is therefore childish to be delighted over such a transitory and illusionary attribute. Contemplating in this way will Inshaallah eliminate this malady.

On the other hand, 'Jaah' (Fame) which Allah Ta'ala bestows upon man without him requesting it, is a Ni'mat (bounty). Just as Man stands in need of wealth to a certain degree, likewise he stands in need of Jaah to a certain degree. Such limited Jaah enables him to remain in safety and be protected against injustice and oppression. Such safety enables him to engage in the Ibaadat of Allah Ta'ala without fear and in peace. This amount of Jaah is therefore not harmful.

Also referred to as: Hubb-e-Maal, Hubb-e-Jaah.Greed, Fame, Self-Glory, Pride, Takabbur

See also: Pride, Tazkiyah, Tasawwuf, Knowledge

See: Nikah
See: Death

A dead body; a corpse.

See: Janaazah, Death

See: Taqleed
See: Makkah
See: Healing, Cure
See: Madinah
See: Madinah
See: Practices
See: Mahdi

The marriage settlement gift (Dowry) that is given by the husband to his wife at the time of their Nikah (marriage)

Also referred to as: Dowry, gift, settlement, portion, maher, meher, mahr

See also: Nikah, Divorce

See: Mahram
See: Haydh
See: Haydh
See: Speaking
see: Me'raj

The event of Mi'raaj was one of the most remarkable episodes in the life of our beloved Holy Prophet . He was called by Almighty Allah from Masjid al-Haram (Makkah, Arabia) to Masjid Al-Aqsa (Al-Aqsa Sanctuary, Jerusalem, Occupied Palestine) and from there he ascended to the heavens through the miraculous power of Allah. He was honoured with direct contact with his Creator at a place where even the angels had no access. This was the unique honour conferred by Allah to the Holy Prophet alone. It was the climax of the spiritual progress which is not attained by anybody except him. The gift of Salaah was given to Prophet Muhammad for the Muslims by Allah at their meeting.

Also referred to as: Mi'raaj, Mirage, Miraj, Mirag, Meraj, Ascension, Laylatul Mi'raaj

See also: Salaah, Allah, Prophet Muhammad Messenger, Heaven, Hell, Eid, Night, Miracles


kind, benevolent

See: Allah


The Universal Message. The same message brought to you by all the prophets from Prophet Adam - Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon them all). The message of Islam.

Also referred to as: Islam, Faith.

See also: Messenger


The word Messenger in Islam is used interchangeably with the word Prophet and Rasul. When the words 'Rasulullah' (The Messenger of Allah) or 'The Prophet' are used they usually refer to The Final Messenger: Prophet Muhammad

Angel Jibraeel Peace be upon him (Arch Angel Gabriel - peace be upon him) brought Allah's revelations, orders and messages to all the Prophets (peace and blessings be upon them all).

A Rasul is a Prophet (Nabi) who received a new Shariah (divine law) and book from Allah. For example the Rasul Dawood Peace be upon him (Prophet David peace be upon him) was given Zabur (Psalms), Rasul Musa Peace be upon him (Prophet Moses - peace be upon him) was given the Toraat (Torah), Rasul Isa Peace be upon him (Prophet Jesus - peace be upon him) was given the Injeel (The Gospel) and Prophet Muhammad was given the Quran. A Nabi that is not a Rasul follows the shariah of a preceding Rasul.

Other than the above some more that have also been mentioned in the Quran: Hazrat Aadam (Adam), Nuh (Noah), Lut (Lot), Ibraheem (Abraham), Ismaeel (Ismail), Ishaaq (Isaac), Yahya (John the Baptist), Zakariyya (Zechariah), Yunus (Jonah), Idrees, Ilyaas, Yasa, Yacoob (Jacob) and Sulayman (Solomon), Saleh, Shuayb, Haroon, (Aaron), Yusuf (Joseph), Luqmaan Peace be upon him(peace be upon them all). Allah sent approximately 124,000 prophets from mankind to guide Mankind of all different races and ethnic backgrounds and Jinn. They always spoke the truth, committed no sins and conveyed the message without adding or leaving out anything. All Prophets were humans and are not divine; their miracles were only possible with the help of Allah.

The word Hazrat or Sayyidina sometimes precedes the name as a mark of respect.

Also referred to as: Rasul, Rasool, Prophet, Nabi (Plural Anbiyah pronounced Ambiya), Apostle

See also: Allah, Prophet Muhammad , Isa Peace be upon him, Quran, Man, Jinn, Miracles, Revelation, Angels, Death, Qiyaamah, Judgement Day, Hereafter, Believer, Muslim

See: Isa Peace be upon him
See: Hijrah
See: Imitation

Allah revealed the Miraculous Quran and enabled The Prophet May Allah send His peace and blessings upon him to perform miracles to show authenticity of his religion and guide Mankind and Jinn.

Also referred to as: Supernatural Phenomenon.

See also: Prophet Muhammad May Allah send His peace and blessings upon him, Quran, Zamzam, Healing, Me'raj

see: Me'raj
see: Me'raj
see: Me'raj
see: Me'raj
See: Ahmadiyya
See: Ahmadiyya
See: Ahmadiyya
See: Fitnah
See: Deeds
See: Deeds
See: Tazkiyah
See: Speaking, Halaal


See: Dawah

See: Victimisation


Miswaak is a litle stick of wood that is used to clean teeth with. The end of the toothstick is usually soaked in water until the fibrous end of the stick becomes bristle-like. This toothstick is then used like a brush and performs far better than conventional tooth brushes and toothpaste. Miswaak cleanses the mouth and pleases the Lord.

Also referred to as: Miswak, Toothstick.

See also: Wudhu, Health

See: Miswaak
See: Water (plural)
See: Muazzin
See: Modernity
See: Modernity

Also referred to as Modernism, Revision, Modern Times, Modernise, sometimes used to refer to non-islamic culture or times

See also: Integration, Imitation, Practise, Innovation, Living


Modesty plays a special part between the affairs of the creator and the created. There are many types of modesty:
Modesty of graciousness and kindness.
Modesty for the beloved
Modesty of devotion
Modesty of one's own soul

"Verily, there is a (special) morality of every religion. And the (special) morality of Islam is modesty."

Also referred to as: Humbleness, sobriety, humility, lack of vanity, lack of pretension, unpretentiousness;
shyness, decency, bashfulness, simplicity, plainness, lack of pretension, inexpensiveness, lack of extravagance, moderation.

See Also: Haya, Hijaab


The Prophet May Allah send His peace and blessings upon him said in the sermon of his farewell Hajj that "with Allah, the months are twelve in number". The Islamic calendar is based on 12 lunar months called:

1. Muharram
2. Safar
3. Rabi-ul-Awwal
4. Rabi-ul-Akhir
5. Jumaada-al-Oola
6. Jumaada-ath-Thaani
7. Rajab
8. Sha'baan
9. Ramadhaan
10. Shawwaal
11. Zul-Qa'dah
12. Zul-Hijjah

See also: Fasting, Hajj, Night, Hijrah


Behaviour and conduct is very important in Islam as it invariably affacts how one sees oneself and how we see and interact with others.Thus it affects our spiritual state and affects the rights of others. It also affects the impression others have towards muslims and Islam

Also referred to as: Ethics, Character

See also: Manners, Tazkiyah, Pride, Modesty, Rights, Parents, Women, Children, Neighbours, Humanity

See: Death

See: Muslim


See: Masjid


Men should lengthen their beard and trim their moustache.

See: Hair, Beard

See: Parents, Women
See: Death
See: Television
See: Brotherhood

The Person that gives Azaan is called a Muazzin.

Also referred to as: Moazzin, Muezzin

See: Azaan


Mubah is an allowance from the Lawgiver to a mukallaf  (a competent person who is in full possession of his faculties) in performing or refraining from an act, such as eating or drinking.  Shawkani defined mubah as that “upon which no commendation is shown upon its performance or omission.”  At times it is used to illustrate the permissibility of a generally prohibited act such as the statement ‘The blood of an apostate is lawful (mubah)' meaning there is no harm upon one who kills him. (other laws may also apply) A mubah act is neither rewarded nor punished.

Also referred to as: Halaal and Ja'iz, Mubah.

See also: Fardh, Wajib, Sunnah, Adab, Haraam, Makruh, Mustahab, Halaal

See: Mubaah
See: Muazzin

Those Ulama who undertook the responsibility of Tafseer (Commentary of the Quran) are called the Mufassireen

See: Tafseer


A Mufti is the title of someone who is qualified and authorised to issue islamic opinions, edicts, decrees and shariah rulings (fatwas). This person will have successfully completed an alim course at an Islamic Seminary/University and then a Mufti course ('ifta') under the supervision of an experinced Mufti. A Mufti has a similar role to that of a judge in that islamic law is applied to individual cases but he will also work academically on more general or hypothetical scenarios to advance islamic law. There are a number of islamic organisations/madrasahs ususally called darul-ifta.that offer jurisprudent fatwa services distinct from their educational services.

See also: Hafiz, Alim, Qari, Darul-Uloom, Madrasah, Education


Muhaasabah means to take stock or reckoning.

See: Practices, Tasawwuf

See: Madinah


See: Practices, Tasawwuf


This means to think about the oncoming event of (death).

See: Practices, Tasawwuf

See: Bayyah
See: Muhabbat

The inclining of the heart towards something which gives it pleasure is called muhabbat (love). Muhabbat consists of two kinds: Muhabbat -e-Tab'ee (physical love) and Muhabbat-e- Aqlee (durable intellectual love).

Allah has bestowed countless favours upon mankind. "He (Allah) loves them (Mu'mineen) and they love Him." The greatest instance of His compassion being the Prophet Muhammad Allah's peace and blessings be upon him the Final Messenger who was sent as a perfect example for all creation. To become closer to Allah mankind needs to follow His commandments and practice in accordance with the traditions of the Prophet Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. In so doing the muhabbat of wealth, fame and the world would be removed from our hearts. This would be replaced with a realisation of the duty towards and love for Allah, the Prophet Allah's peace and blessings be upon him and his companions together with contentment, patience, trust and desire for the Hereafter.

Note. Obedience without muhabbat is not sufficient since there is no resolution and firmness in such acts of obedience devoid of love.

Also referred to as: Hubb, Love, Hubbe, Mohabbat, Muhabbut

See: Allah, Prophet MuhammadAllah's peace and blessings be upon him, Masjid, Tasawwuf, Tazkiyah

See: Muhabbat

Those Aulama who rendered service to the Knowledge of Hadeeth are called the Muhadditheen

Also referred to as: Muhadditheen

See: Hadeeth

Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad (571 A.D - 632 A.D, Arabia) is the Final Messenger sent by Allah to guide Mankind and Jinn and complete His religion. The Noble Prophet was an orphan and became a trader by profession and was well known as Muhammad - The Trustworthy. At the age of forty he received Prophethood through the Angel Jibraaeel (Gabriel) in Makkah (Mecca - Arabia). He was The Unlettered Prophet - He could not read nor write however Allah revealed upon him the Holy Quran. This glorious divine revelation to a human who could not even read the words 'Messenger of Allah' was a Miracle and proof of Prophethood.

At the time pagan Arabs worshipped idols, killed their infant children particularly girls, drank intoxicants excessively and gambled. They consumed the rights of orphans and grossly misappropriated inheritance to the extent that family members were considered assets and part of the inheritance estate.

Prophet Muhammad rejected these ignorant and immoral practices and invited all to accept Islam which protected rights of the vulnerable and balanced the needs of society without overburdening individuals.

As people accepted Islam they and the Prophet were persecuted to the extent that they were forced to emigrate to Madinah -Arabia where people were receptive to Islam and gave refuge. Over time the unique message of Islam was realised by many in number and Muslims were able to fend off attacks.

Islam prohibited racial discrimination and promoted responsibilities and high moral standards to the extent that the companions of the Prophet and their family remained hungry whilst they fed those captured assassins who had attempted to kill them with all the food they possessed. Where previously in the days of ignorance daughters were buried alive due to their gender, now in complete contrast after accepting Islam they were giving away water to quench thirsty dying strangers whilst they themselves were also dying of thirst and in their last moments of life.

More and more people turned towards Islam and the Prophet was able to establish a peace treaty with the kuffaar (Non-Believers). The Kuffaar however broke the treaty and again attacked so the Prophet decided to march towards Makkah . The Merciful Prophet conquered Makkah without bloodshed and forgave his enemies saying 'Have no fear this day, May Allah forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy'. The Prophet returned to Madinah after establishing safety in Makkah.

The Prophet 's Sunnah (actions) were the perfect living exemplification of the Quran and through the recording and practice of his Sunnah his noble companions May Allah be pleased with them (Sahaabah) were able to confirm and convey the correct understanding and teachings of Islam. The Prophet after completing his mission passed away leaving behind the Quran and Sunnah for all and he is buried in Masjid An-Nabawi (Madinah- Arabia)

Also referred to as: Rasulullah , The Messenger of Allah , The Final Nabi and Rasul , The Seal (Khatam) of Prophets Mohammed , Muhammed Mohamed Mohamad Mehmet , Huzoor, Huzur, Hozuur Nabi

See also: Allah, Faith, Messenger, Quran, Hadeeth, Sahaabah, Example, Muhabbat, Ummah, Ziyaarah, Salaatus-Salaam

Prophet Muhammad

The 1st month in the Islamic calendar.

Also referred to as: Moharrum, Moharram

See: Months

See: Gambling

A true Mumin (Believer) has been described to possess many qualities such as the abstention from sin. “Those who believe in the unseen and are steadfast in Salaah and spend out of what we have provided for them.” “Those who offer their Salaah (prayers) with all solemnity and full submissiveness. And those who turn away from Laghw (dirty, false, evil vein talk, falsehood and all that Allah has forbidden). And those who pay Zakaat. And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts from illegal sexual acts). Except from their wives or (slaves) that their right hands possess, for them, they are free from blame.

Also referred to as: Mu'min.

See also: Believer

See: Mumin
See: Gambling
See: Munafiqeen

People who outwardly pretend/advocate to be pious or believers but who actually do not believe nor are they pious.

Also referred to as Munafiqeen, Munafiq (singular), Hypocrites

See: Kaafir, Yahudi, Nasaara, Ummah, Believer, Muslim, Speaking, Faith, Treaties, Wars and Amnesties

See: Fate
See: Muslim

Mushrikeen are those who commit 'Shirk': that is to associate partners with Allah, to believe in other gods/dieties or beings to share the unique characteristics of Allah - The Almighty.

Also referred to as: Polytheists

See also: Faith, Munafiqeen, Kaafir, Allah, Prophet Muhammad May Allah send peace and blessings upon him, Nasaara, Yahudi, Treaties, Wars and Amnesties


Music is haraam.  Interpreters of the Qur`aan have defined the term `lahwal hadith` which is mentioned in the Qur`aan as: 

  1. Singing and listening to songs. 
  2. Purchasing of male and female singers. 
  3. Purchase of instruments of fun and amusement.

`There will be people of my Ummah who will seek to make lawful; fornication, wine-drinking and the use of ma`aazif ( musical instruments ).` Bukhari

Lyrics of nudity which excites the carnal desire is classed as Zinaa.

Also referred to as: Lahwal hadith, ma`aazif, Qawali, Qawaali, Tune, beatboxing

See: Also: Zinaa, Intoxicants, Television

See: Masjid

Those that accept the Religion of Islam; to be a Muslim you must believe there is no Deity other than Allah and Prophet Muhammad May Allah send peace and blessings upon him is His Messenger. You must also believe in Allah's Angels, His Revelations, His Messengers (Prophets May Allah send peace and blessings upon them all), The Day of Judgement and that Fate both good and bad, is given by Allah and that there is Life after Death (Hereafter). There are five obligations upon all Muslims: Faith, Salaah, Fasting, Zakaah and Hajj. They are commonly known as the five pillars of Islam and they are fardh (obligatory).

Also referred to as: Moslem, Musalman

See also: Faith, Salaah, Fasting, Zakaah, Hajj, Fardh, Kaafir, Imaan, Mumin, Believer, Messenger, Allah


That which the Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him did occasionally. Carrying out a Mustahab act brings reward but no sin if the act is left out.

See also: Fardh, Wajib, Sunnah, Adab, Haraam, Makruh, Mubaah, Halaal


Muzdalifah is a place near Makkah where the Hajj pilgrims spend the night on their return from Arafaat.

See: Hajj


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